Sunday, November 15, 2009


Denver, Colo. -- Despite about four inches of snowfall accumulating overnight, the University of Minnesota Duluth soccer team will be suiting up against Metro State College today, Sunday Nov. 15, in the two teams' NCAA II playoffs Second Round match. Game time has been pushed back one hour, from the original 1:00 p.m., Mountain time, start, at Auraria Field, on the Metro State campus.

You can find live stats and a live video feed of the game here.

Photos from Day 4 in Denver

The University of Minnesota Duluth soccer squad took a day to relax on Saturday, after notching its first NCAA II playoff victory in school history. The team traveled to Boulder, Colo., and the famous Pearl Street. The players eagerly hopped on the opportunity to partake in the area's famous shopping.

After their short stay in Boulder, the team moved on to the mountain foothills, stopping off to see Buffalo Bill Cody's grave site, among other attractions. The ride down the mountain side back to Denver was the most exciting portion of the day, as the team's driver Greg expertly maneuvered the coach bus down multiple s-curves, with 500-foot cliffs waiting on the edge of each curve. The team made sure to snap pictures of their exhilarating, near-death (not really) experience, see below for those.

Saturday was capped off with an italian dinner at a classy restaurant just outside of Denver, before a meeting with the coaches to prepare for the Bulldogs' Sunday afternoon opponent Metro State College, in the NCAA II Tournamet's Second Round.

Check the last post for information about following UMD during the clash between the two schools, live from Auraria Field, on the Metro State campus. Now, the photos.

(Top:) A few of the Bulldogs, shopping bags in tow
(Bottom:) Assistant coaches Stacey Prodaniuk, left, and Kelly Grgas-Wheeler, with Pearl Street in the background

(Top:) UMD head coach Greg Cane watching over the troops
(Bottom:) Buffalo Bill Cody's gravesite

(Top:) The much-asked-for debut of junior defender Mallory Fox on this blog, getting ready to get a great view of the fog that blanketed the mountains
(Bottom:)Buffalo Bill's grave and head stone

(Top:) Left-to-Right, freshman netminder Hannah Iaizzo, Prodaniuk and Fox posing with the buffalo statue outside the Buffalo Bill's giftshop
(Bottom:) Cole, UMD's Athletic Trainer, modeling some stylish headwear

The long (and extremely winding) road down the mountain, navigated flawlessly by Greg the bus driver

That's all from Denver for now, check back Sunday morning to get the scoop on whether or not the game will actually be taking place, at its scheduled 2:00 p.m., (Central time) start time. More than 6 inches of snow have fallen in Denver Saturday night, with more in the overnight hours expected. Also, make it a point to visit for more information on the team.

Good night to all, wherever you are, from Denver!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday Afternoon is A Record Setter

Minnesota State-0

The score sums it up, but the story behind the University of Minnesota Duluth soccer squad's first NCAA II playoff victory can only be found here. A photo gallery of the match has kindly been provided by Metro State Sports Information Director Andy Schlicting (a Minnesotan!), which can be found at:

With the win over their Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference rival, UMD advances to the second round of the NCAA II Tournament, guaranteeing itself a date with Central Region-host (and the region's No. 1 seed) Metro State College, tentatively scheduled for 1 p.m. Mountain time, this Sunday Nov. 15.

Just like Friday's game, this inexperienced (but quickly learning) blogger will have a blow-by-blow account of the action from Auraria Field, on the campus of Metro State, in Denver, Colo. I say tentatively because the local uncooperative weather is forecasted to drop 6-12 inches of snow on the city, before Sunday afternoon's game. Either way, you can find the in-game blog here. Whenever the Bulldogs actually play, with frozen fingers, the live description will be made available for all followers.

Also, just like during UMD's victory on Friday, the second round game will be video-streamed via Penn Atlantic. The link to that can be found at:

Top-notch live stats for the affair will also be made available here.

We've got you covered for the second-round clash folks, and hope that you are enjoying this run as much as the UMD women's soccer team is.

As always, be sure to share your comments about this blog, and make it a point to check out UMD defender Maria Leider and fellow backliner Kristi Mehrman's battle to determine the best Duluth East High School graduate dancer, on the current Bulldog roster.

That's all from Denver this early morning, check back Saturday to read about the team's mid-day excursion to Boulder, Colo. Pictures are promised!

Good night to all, wherever you are, from Denver!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dave & Buster's Dance-Off!

Maria Leider and Kristi Merhman having a dance-off at Dave & Buster's!
You can be the judge of the winner...

Friday's Live Gameday Blog

Follow the Bulldogs with a live blog for Friday's game here

Any comments you wish to make about the information found there, please do so on this site. I will attempt to respond to those throughout the course of the game.

Go Bulldogs!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pictures from Day 2

(Top:) Auraria Field (on right) with Denver skyline in background
(Bottom:) The Bulldogs making the short (20 mins) walk to the field from the hotel

(Top:) Auraria Field, home to Metro State College, National Champs in 2004 and '06
(Bottom:) UMD stretches before its training session

(Top:) Head coach Greg Cane rallying the troops
(Bottom:) Cole the trainer doing all he can to keep the Bulldogs in top shape

(Top:) Junior netminder Hannah Bengtson facing penalty kicks
(Bottom:) Senior co-captain Kelly Duchene on her PK approach

(Top:) Sophomore defender Reegan Lloyd ready to deliver one of her signature blasts
(Bottom:) Taking a moment to joke around after practice

(Left:) The bus ride to Red Rocks Ampitheater
(Right:) Red Rocks Ampitheater, built in 1941

(Left:) The Red Rocks Ampitheater, with Denver in the background
(Right:) Kelly Duchene, contemplating UMD's strategy for Friday, perhaps?

The Rigors of Playing at a Mile High

Denver sits at an elevation of exactly 5,280 feet. That's quite a difference compared to the 704-foot elevation level of Duluth, MN.

These unfamiliar conditions require some familiar coping techniques: adaption, preparation and, as always, dedication.

To speed acclimation to the thinner air in Denver, the University of Minnesota Duluth soccer squad is taking the necessary steps. This, in turn, will hopefully lead to less of a physical and mental shock to the 21 Bulldogs, when Friday afternoon's NCAA II Central Region First Round match up against rival Minnesota State, rolls around.

Plenty of water, mid-day naps and a strict diet are the formula UMD is following, in hopes of gaining an edge on Friday over their fellow Minnesota-based opponent. The change in scenery has not gone unnoticed to some of the Maroon and Gold pitchsters, however.

"People during the warm-up at practice today seemed to get winded a little faster than usual," said junior defender Maria Leider.

Having said that, there is a level of confidence going into the match from the Bulldog squad and the elevation issues may be more of a mental issue than a physical one.

"It's nothing we can't handle, we are still going to go out and play our best game," Leider, a Duluth, Minn., native said. "For both teams, it's a place that we're not used to, but If we play our game, we feel we can beat anyone."

The weather can certainly be a physical issue, and may be more of a worry at this point for the UMD staff and players. Temperatures reached the mid-70's during the team's Thursday practice session at Auraria Field, but those unusual November levels are not expected to hold. The forecast calls for a high of 46 degrees, with a 70 percent chance of precipitation (expected to be a rain/snow mix) at game time Friday afternoon.

No matter the elements, it appears the Bulldogs will bring their best Friday afternoon.

Followers are reminded that a video feed of Friday afternoon's game will be broadcast free of charge, via Penn Atlantic. The link for the feed can be found here. On top of that, a live, in-game blog of UMD's second NCAA playoff game in team history will be provided. Check out for more information and a link to this blog, as the contest draws near.

Good night to all, wherever you are, from Denver!

UMD Soccer Arrives in Denver!

We made it!

After a 2.5 hour bus ride from Duluth to Minneapolis, the 2009 University of Minnesota Duluth soccer squad successfully boarded its 7:15 p.m. plane at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport destined for the Denver International Airport. The plane landed, right on time, in Denver at 8:30 p.m., Mountain time, with an ensuing 30-minute bus ride to the hotel (Comfort Inn-Downtown Denver) completing the Bulldogs' long day of travel to the Mile High City. Weather consistent with Duluth's (comfortable mid-50s) upon the team's Wednesday afternoon departure from UMD, greeted the NSIC/U.S. Bank Tournament champs in Colorado's capital.

A large portion of the team enjoyed a late meal at the Hard Rock Cafe (located mere blocks from the team's hotel), offering up an opportunity for relaxation before the mentally and physically-grueling process of preparing for an NCAA playoff game begins. The sole prep-training session scheduled for the squad is slated for Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. local time, on Auraria Field (located on the campus of Metro State College, the hosts of this Central Region first round match up with conference rival Minnesota State).

The mood amongst the 21 pitchsters is relaxed, yet focused -- this outside observer gets the sense that each player fully understands the task at hand.

Followers are reminded that a video feed of Friday afternoon's game will be broadcast free of charge, via Penn Atlantic. The link for the feed can be found here. On top of that, a live, in-game blog of UMD's second NCAA playoff game in team history will be provided. Check out for more information and a link to this blog, as the contest draws near.

That's all for now from Denver, check back tomorrow afternoon for pictures of the team's practice session, as well as shots of Auraria Field and other behind-the-scenes highlights and tidbits.

Good Night to All from Denver!